A handful of bugs in the implementation of pbrt have been found since the book publication; we won't include the corresponding source code changes as errata in this list. Please refer to the commits to the "book" branch of the source code for details of and fixes for those errors.

If you find any errors in the book not listed on this page, please send a note to [email protected].

Important Errors

Page Reporter Error
160 Wei-Feng Huang In the bottom displayed equation, the 1/2 factor should apply to both terms; there should be parenthesis around them.
269 Kostya Smolenskiy In the second and third line of the third paragraph, replace "[128, 255]" with "[8, 15]" and replace "[128, 191]" with "[8, 11]".
388 Wei Tao In Equation (6.4), the expression inside the square root should be "(p_z - z_f - p'_z)(p_z - z_f - 4f - p'_z)".
808-809 Tom van Bussel, 卡卡西, 曹家音, Anton Khabbaz, Mike Day, Rahul Malayappan The right-hand side of Equation 14.1 is incorrect: it should have a factor of two and a "sin theta_h" factor in the numerator, no pi factor in the denominator, and the cosine factor in the denominators should be raised to the third power, not the fourth. The equivalent change also should be made to the integrand in the first equation on page 809.
809 Wei-Feng Huang, Antoine Büsch The third displayed equation should be "\tan^2 \theta' = -\alpha^2 \log (1 - \xi)". In turn, the following text ", though we must take care..." should be deleted and the source code should be updated accordingly.
820 卡卡西, Guo Xiaoxin, Anton Khabbaz The numerator of Equation 8.20 should not include the \eta^2 factor.
892 Wei-Feng Huang In the equation at the top of the page, the upper limit of the integral should be t_max.
918 Steve Hill In the denominator in the displayed math, the "3/2" exponent should be outside the parenthesis.
972 Jinfeng Guo In the 5th line of the third paragraph, "r \rightarrow \infty" should be "r \rightarrow 0".

Minor Errors

Page Reporter Error
xxvi Christophe Hery In the 10th line of the 4th paragraph, "Christiphe Hery" should be "Christophe Hery".
xxviii Hualin Xu In the 4th line of the 3rd paragraph, "were was" should be "were".
11 Hualin Xu In the 5th line of the 3rd paragraph, the full name of BSSRDF "bidirectional subsurface scattering reflectance distribution function" should be "bidirectional scattering surface reflectance distribution function" in order to correspond to the full name in Section 5.6.2.
33 Kostya Smolenskiy The parenthetical in the last line of the first paragraph, "(not included here)", should be deleted.
39 Daniel McAllaster In the third line of the second paragraph, "than it is" should be "as it is".
42 Kostya Smolenskiy In the 2nd line of the 1st paragraph, "previous" should be "new".
48 Mike Day In the 3rd line of the 4th paragraph, "continued to be use" should be "continued to use".
49 Per Christensen In the 2nd to last line of the 2nd to last paragraph, "deisgned" should be "designed".
51 Matt Pharr In the first line of the 3rd paragraph, "the Blue Sky studio" should be "Blue Sky Studios".
51 Antoine Büsch In the third line of the 3rd paragraph, "attenation" should be "attention".
51 Matt Pharr In the first line of the 7th paragraph, "RenderMan" should be in italics, to be consistent with other renderer names.
59 Per Christensen In the first line of the last paragraph, "vectors" should be "vector".
62 Kostya Smolenskiy The caption text for Figure 2.4(b) is unclear. A better phrasing would be: "If we consider the parallelogram formed by two vectors, the diagonals are given by w-v (dashed line) and -v-w (not shown)."
64 Kostya Smolenskiy In the 4th paragraph, "form a coordinate system" should be "form an orthogonal coordinate system".
65 Nikola Bunjevac In the first line of the caption of Figure 2.5, "v_1 h" should be "||v_1|| h".
69-70 Kostya Smolenskiy The second method in the last fragment in page 69 should be moved to the first fragment on page 70.
64 Mike Day In the right hand side of the second line of the first displayed equation, "v \cdot u" should probable be "u \cdot v".
65 Mike Day In Equation 2.2, the absolute value of \sin \theta should be used.
73 Mike Day In Equation 2.3, the first less-than sign should be a less-than or equal sign.
79 Mike Day In the very last line of the page,"by a constant factor in both dimensions" should be "by a constant amount in all dimensions".
82 Mike Day In the displayed math at the bottom of the page, a different symbol than an equals sign should be used (e.g. a left/right arrow), since this isn't strictly an equality.
82 Girish Ramesh In the first line of Section 2.7.1, the point p should be p_o.
82 Kostya Smolenskiy In the middle of the first paragraph of section 2.7.1, "four vectors" should be "four-vectors".
86 Tzu-Chieh Chang (張子捷) In the 3rd line of the first paragraph, $[x y z 1]$ should be $[x y z 1]^T$.
88 Kostya Smolenskiy In the 3rd line of the 4th paragraph, the words "normalized and" should be inserted before "orthogonal to each other".
88 Mike Day In the paragraph after the first displayed math, "upper 3x3 components" should be "first three columns (or rows)"
90 Mike Day In the paragraph after the first displayed math, "upper 3x3 components" should be "first three columns (or rows)"
90 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) Figure 2.12 should show a counter-clockwise rotation.
93 Tzu-Chieh Chang (張子捷) In the 2nd line of the 3rd paragraph, "row vector" should be "column vector".
97 Kostya Smolenskiy The start of the caption of Figure 2.15 would be more clear as "Three spheres, reflected in a mirror..."
97 Kostya Smolenskiy, Mike Day In the second paragraph of section 2.9, "179 degrees" should be "181 degrees".
98 Hualin Xu In the 2nd-3rd lines of the 5th paragraph, "concatentation" should be "concatenation".
101 Hualin Xu In the upper right element of the matrix in Equation (2.6), there should be an opening parenthesis after the 2.
102 Joey Litalien Two lines above Equation 2.7, "q_1 onto q_2" should be "q_2 onto q_1".
110 Hualin Xu In the 5th line of the first paragraph, "are are" should be "are".
111 Mike Day In the second line of the 5th paragraph, the \in symbol should be \subset.
114 Kostya Smolenskiy The displayed equation should be parenthesized such that c_3,x is multiplied by cos 2 \theta t and similarly for c_5,x, sin 2 \theta t.
116 Per Christensen In the first line of the second paragraph, "a" should be inserted before "particular".
117 Kostya Smolenskiy Because pbrt uses a left-handed coordiante system, in Figure 2.19, dp/du and dp/dv should be swapped so that the orientation of the normal from the cross product is correct.
119 Per Christensen In the 4th line of the second paragraph, "same" should be inserted before "hemisphere".
127 Tim Lobner Figure 3.2 uses x_0 and x_1 for the two slabs, while the text on p. 127 uses x_1 and x_2.
148 Kostya Smolenskiy, Zejian Wang (王 泽健) The disk parameterization should be updated such that x is defined as ((1 - v)r + v r_i) \cos \phi, and similarly for y. (Doing so makes the partial derivatives correct, and that seems to be a better fix than changing the partial derivatives in the code, which flips the normal vector and makes disk light sources illuminate in the different direction.)
148 Per Christensen In the first line of the 4th paragraph, insert "and" before "checks".
153 Kostya Smolenskiy The very last displayed equation should be "F \approx 2V".
154 Kostya Smolenskiy In the very first line, "twice as many vertices as faces" should be "twice as many faces as vertices".
155 Kostya Smolenskiy In the second line of the third paragraph, insert ", and transforms the vectors to world space" after "values".
155 Hualin Xu In the 3rd line of the 3rd paragraph, "object" should be "world".
159 Wei Tao In the first displayed equation, "T" should be "P".
160 Kostya Smolenskiy In the second line of the second paragraph, insert "length of the" before "cross product".
161 Kostya Smolenskiy In the third line of the first paragraph, insert "twice" before "the area".
161 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In Figure 3.14, "e(p) > 0" and "e(p) < 0" should be swapped. The caption should also be updated accordingly.
161 Tzu-Chieh Chang (張子捷) In the 2nd line after display equation (3.2), "p_i" should be "p_{(i + 1) \mod 3}" and "p_{(i + 1) \mod 3}" should be "p_{(i + 2) \mod 3}".
162 Yue Ren (任悦) The final displayed equation could be read to be suggesting that t_max is equal one of the two values on the right hand of the brace, while the intended meaning is actually that the inequality t < t_max can equivalently be expressed in those two ways.
162 Bojian Wu Either the implementation should use the variable "d" for the determinant, or the "d" in the 4th line of the 6th paragraph should be "det".
165 Antoine Büsch In the last line of the last paragraph, "consisting" should be "consistent".
166 Tzu-Chieh Chang (張子捷) In the third line of the first paragraph, "180" should be "90".
166-167 Kostya Smolenskiy At the bottom of p.166, "ss and ns" should be "ns and ss". The following "ns and ts" should be "ts and ns". Then, the fragment at the top of page 167 should be modified correspondingly.
176 Per Christensen In the third line of the caption for Figure 3.21, "side of edge" should be "side of the edge".
177 Per Christensen In the first line of the caption for Figure 3.22, insert "this" before "part".
180 Jason Musgrave, SOH In the 6th line of the third code fragment, "ray(pc.z)" should be "ray(*tHit)".
186 Mike Day In the third line of the 4th paragraph, "modulus" should be "modulo".
192 Matthias B. Hullin The section title is misspelled: it should be "Subdivision".
199 Hualin Xu The start of last sentence of the first paragraph should be: "For any odd vertex on the edge of a face, ..."
208 Kostya Smolenskiy Two lines above the displayed math, $e_b$ should be $e$.
208-210 Mike Day $e_b$ and $e$ should be swapped throughout this section to better match conventional usage.
209 Mike Day Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as "binary decimals".
209 JiangHeng Gui (卡卡西) In the text under the second displayed equation, "1000001_2" should be "10000001_2" (i.e., one more zero in the middle).
210 Kostya Smolenskiy At the start of the 6th and 8th paragraphs, "With $e_b = 255$" should be "With $e = 255$".
213 (and later) Mike Day In Equation (3.8), \subset should be \in
214 Per Christensen In the 4th line of the caption for Figure 3.41, change "ticks in" to "ticks on".
215-228 Mike Day Many instances of \subset should be \element.
223 Kostya Smolenskiy In equation 3.13, the plus/minus sign should just be a plus sign.
226 Mike Day In the third paragraph, "reciprocal sum" should be "inverse of the sum".
228 Kostya Smolenskiy Right before the first displayed equation, "transformed point" should be "transformed coordinate".
234 Yue Ren (任悦) In the second to last displayed equation on the page, \gamma_2 should be \gamma_1.
238 Kostya Smolenskiy, 郭 勍 In the second displayed equation in Exercise 3.1, "2Gz" should be "2Gx".
260 Artem Kharytoniuk, Haralambi Todorov In the 2nd line of the second paragraph, 2^n-1 should be 2^(n-1)-1.
260 Mike Day In the 4th line of the second paragraph, "6n" should be "3n".
272 Kostya Smolenskiy In the last line of the first paragraph, "EncodeMorton3()" should be replaced with "LeftShift3()".
277 Kostya Smolenskiy The total number of nodes in a binary tree (e.g. a BVH) is bounded by twice the number of leaf nodes minus one. Thus, in the second line of code on the page, the initializer could be "2 * nPrimitives - 1".
277 Yue Ren(任悦) In the second line of the second paragraph, "LVBH" should be "LBVH".
288 Mike Day In the third line of the second paragraph, "above child" should be "aboveChild".
306 Mike Day In the 6th paragraph, "(n log n)" should be "O(n log n)".
310 Mike Day In the second to last line of exercise 4.11, "relates" should be "relate".
315 Kostya Smolenskiy The third line of the second paragraph, "offset" should be "offer".
320 Kostya Smolenskiy The third line of the caption for Figure 5.2, "FromSampled()" should be "AverageSpectrumSamples()".
322-325 Michael Paul and Dave Neubelt In the last sentence of the first paragraph of section 5.2.1, "an SPD" should be "an emissive SPD". Then, the three equalities in Equation (5.1) should have the "1 / \int Y(lambda) dlambda" factors removed. That factor should similarly be removed at the bottom of page 324 and from the code fragment at the top of p. 325.
323 Jonathon Cai In the caption for Figure 5.3, the use of the word "convolved" in incorrect.
327 Neil You The first line of the first displayed equation suggests the equality S(lambda) = x_\lambda X(\lambda) + y_\lambda Y(\lambda) + z_\lambda Z(\lambda) for an arbitrary SPD S(\lambda), which is not the case. The text should make more clear that we're making use of the tristimulus theory of color perception in that step.
328 Jonathon Cai In the third paragraph, "ToRGB()" should be "ToRGBSpectrum()".
330 Mike Day In the last code fragment, the second "if" test could just be "rgb[1] ≤ rgb[2]" since we already know that rgb[0] isn't the minimum.
335 Jonathon Cai In the second to last line on the page, "means that" should be deleted.
339 Brian Collins / Movania Muhammad Mobeen At the end of the second line of text, "intensity" should be "power".
339 Movania Muhammad Mobeen In Equation (5.2), the numerator on the right-hand side should be "d^2 \Phi".
345 Hualin Xu In the 1st line of the caption for Figure 5.15, "d_A" should be "d_omega".
356 Jonathon Cai In the first line of the fifth paragraph, "an pointer" should be "a pointer".
357 Jonathon Cai In the 4th line of the 3rd paragraph, "to set" should be "set".
363 Kostya Smolenskiy In Figure 6.4, (0,0) should be at the upper left, and (xRes, yRes) at the lower right.
365 Per Christensen In the last line of the last paragraph, delete "a" before "ray tracers".
368 Kostya Smolenskiy In the first two lines of the 4th paragraph, "parallel incident rays...behind the lens" should be rewritten as "incident rays that are parallel to the optical axis and pass through the lens focus at a point behind the lens". (A similar fix should be made in the caption of Figure 6.6.)
368 Mike Day In the second line of the fourth paragraph, the first "called" should be deleted.
369 Per Christensen In the second line of the last paragraph, change "This boundary" to "The boundary".
372 Kostya Smolenskiy, Honghu Qian In Figure 6.11(a), the point z should be to the right of z_f in order for the point z' to be behind z'_f.
372 Kostya Smolenskiy In the 5th line of the caption for Figure 6.11, there should be a comma after d_c.
379 Hualin Xu In the 3rd line of the 4th paragraph, "As in Section 6.2.3," should be deleted. Then, the following "lens" should be capitalized.
388 Kostya Smolenskiy In the first line of the fifth paragraph, "focal" should be "focus".
391 Jonathon Cai In the caption for Figure 6.23, $-\theta$ should be $\theta$.
396 Hualin Xu In the 4th line of the 2nd paragraph, "times" should be "divided by".
397 Per Christensen In the first line of the last paragraph, insert "of" after "implementation".
398 Hualin Xu In the 3rd line of the 1st paragraph, "2006" should be "2007".
408 Kostya Smolenskiy, Martin Fischer In the first displayed equation, the first case should be 1/T if |x| < t/2.
408 Kostya Smolenskiy, Martin Fisher The last displayed equation should have "\Pi_{1/T}(\omega)" in place of "\Pi_T(\omega)".
409 Kostya Smolenskiy The first displayed equation should have "sinc_{1/T}(x)" in place of "sinc(x)", where sinc_T(x) is defined as sinc(T x)".
420 Per Christensen In the 4th line of the 4th paragraph, insert "the" before "volume".
420 Mike Day The description of the "sup" operator is incorrect; the distinction between discrete and continuous sets isn't relevant. It'd be better described in terms of least upper bound.
429 Kostya Smolenskiy In the third line of the third paragraph, "three" should be "two".
438 Mike Day In the first line of item two in the list, "each the samples" should be "each of the samples".
441 Mike Day In the caption to Figure 7.22, "nDims" should be deleted.
441 (and beyond) Per Christensen We should distinguish between point sets (of fixed size), like Hammersley, and point sequences (of potentially infinite size), like Halton.
447 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In the 3rd line of the last paragraph, "value" should be "reversedDigits".
450 Per Christensen In the third line of the last paragraph, change "can be lead to" to "can lead to".
441 Mike Day In the first line under the displayed equation", "2, 4" should be "2, 3".
447 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In the third line of the last paragraph, "value" should be "reversedDigits".
457 Wei-Feng Huang In Equation 7.9, "b^n" should be "b^{-n}".
457 Mike Day In the fifth paragraph, "uint32t_t" should be "uint32_t".
458 Per Christensen In the second line of the first paragraph, delete "now".
459 Per Christensen In the 5th line of the second paragraph, insert "until" before "all".
460 Per Christensen In the third line of the caption for Table 7.4, delete "with".
461 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In the displayed equation, "\sin \pi x / \tau" should be written as "\sin (\pi x / \tau)" to be more clear.
461 Christian Hipp In the first line of the third paragraph, "the" should be inserted beforoe "heart".
477 Pavel Krajcevski Contrary to what's written in the third paragraph, the triangle filter as implemented doesn't have a weight of 1 at its center.
489 Mike Day At the end of the page's text, "is maintained" should be "are maintained".
493 Phillip Anthony Thomas Three lines from the bottom of the page, "Note that number" should be "Note that the number".
509 Jonathon Cai Figure 8.1(c) should probably be updated to make it more clear that with perfect specular reflection, there is only a single reflected direction.
511 Mike Day In the first line of the last paragraph, "between two vectors" should be "between two vectors' $\phi$ values".
518 Kostya Smolenskiy In the last line of the 4th paragraph, "\cos_t" should be "\cos \theta_t".
530 Per Christensen In the second line of the last paragraph, "was" should be "as".
530 Mike Day The last word on the page should be "reflection", not "refraction".
533 Per Christensen There aren't any names for the parameters to the rho() methods in the second code fragment. (Inconsistent with the rest of the book).
545 Jeppe Frisvad In Figure 8.20, \theta and \theta_h should be swapped (for consistency with their usage elsewhere).
541 Nate Park In final paragraph, the equality \cos \theta = A&+(\omega) - A^-(\omega) should include a factor of dA on the left-hand side.
545 Nate Park In the right-hand side of equation defining d\Phi_h, the two d\omega factors should be d\omega_i.
545-548 Jeppe Frisvad Thoughout Section 8.4.4, \theta_h should be replaced with \theta (for consistency with earlier usage of \theta_h as the angle between \omega_h and the surface normal.)
546 Anton Khabbaz, Andreas Wendleder Writing the Fresnel term as F_r(w_o) makes it unclear that its value also dependends on w_h.
552 Jinfeng Guo In the last two lines of the third paragraph, "scenes/brdfs directory in the pbrt distribution" should be "brdfs directory in the pbrt scenes distribution".
554 Per Christensen In the third line of the second paragraph, a comma should be inserted after the closing parenthesis.
561 曹家音 In the third line of Equation (8.29), the last term on the right hand side should be "-w_0".
563 Per Christensen In the first line of the third paragraph, "the" before w_3 should be deleted.
574 Mike Day In second and third line of the first paragraph, "orthogonal" should be "orthonormal". Then, "and unit length" should be added at the end of the following parenthetical comment.
582 Kostya Smolenskiy In the first line of the second paragraph, "b1" should be "m1".
602 Mike Day, Peter Kristof In order to match the equation above, two changes should be made to the code fragment. First, the dot product used to initialize "d" should be negated. Then, the expressions to initialize "tx" and "ty" should have the initial negation inside the parenthesis, applied only to the Dot() calls there.
604 Mike Day In the two displayed equations, the "x + x'" terms should be "x - x'" and similarly for the "y + y'" terms. (No difference here, but that corresponds to the actual convolution formula.)
606 Mike Day In the fifth line of the first paragraph, "reflection" should be "refraction".
615 Brian Green In the second to last line of the first paragraph, "material's" should be "texture's."
624 Per Christensen In the 7th line of the last paragraph, "the triangle filter" should be "trilinear interpolation".
636 Mike Day The ray differentials don't necessarily give the major and minor axes of the ellipse. (And thus, both code and text should be correspondingly updated).
636 Mike Day The definition for ellipse eccentricity is incorrect; what's being computed here is the ratio of the lengths of the two axes.
638 Mike Day In the displayed equation at the bottom of the page, would be more clear to use $T$ for the texture function, since $t$ is also being used for a texture coordinate.
655 Srinath Ravichandiran In the last line of text on the page above the displayed math, "f_s(s)" should be "f_s(x)".
672 Per Christensen In lines 2-3 of the last paragraph, delete "given spatial extent".
680 Mike Day In the last sentence of the second paragraph of section 11.2, "isotropic phase functions" should be "phase functions in isotropic media".
689 Tzu-Chieh Chang (張子捷) In the displayed code 2/3 of the way down the page, "ray.Length()" should be "ray.d.Length()".
692 Mike Day In first line, the hyphen in "scattering-surface" should be a space.
695 Mike Day In the 6th line of the first paragraph, "the effect light" should be "the effect of light".
707 Mike Day At the end of the second paragraph, "has been" should be "have been".
708 Mike Day At the end of the last bullet point, "it" should be "then".
709 Per Christensen In the third line of the first paragraph, "overall" should be "over all".
709 Mike Day At the end of the pentultimate paragraph, "K is temperature in Kelvin" would be more clear as "where Kelvin (K) is the unit of temperature".
710 Mike Day At the end of the second sentence in the caption of Figure 12.1, "as the temperature increases" is redundant.
713 Per Christensen In the second line of the caption for Figure 12.3, delete "in".
715 Per Christensen In the second line of the second paragraph, change "so that it's", to ", so it's".
715 Mike Day At the end of the 4th paragraph, "calls for" should be "calls to".
716 Mike Day In Figure 12.5, the "omega" symbol should have an "i" subscript.
724 Per Christensen, Mike Day In the last line of the second paragraph, replace "width" with "cosFalloffWidth", and "fall" with "cosFalloffStart".
741 Antoine Büsch In the 4th line of the second paragraph, "values" should be "varies".
743 Per Christensen In the third line of the second paragraph, insert "from" after "illumination".
748 Mike Day In the 4th line of the last paragraph, "fixed set" should be "fixed, finite set".
749 Mike Day In the second line of the first paragraph, the first equals sign should be "\in".
749 Mike Day In the first displayed equation, the < should be ≤ the ≤ should be <.
750 Özgür Cerlet In the 5th displayed equation, the third expression should be "1/pi (sin pi - sin 0)".
752 Mike Day In the bottom integral of the page, the order of the integral signs and limits should be reversed.
754 Antoine Büsch In the last line of the caption for Figure 13.2, the "p_i" in the sum should be "p_j".
760 Per Christensen Delete "in" at the end of the fourth line of the second paragraph.
768 Mike Day In the last line of the page, "right side" should be "bottom".
775 Mike Day In the first line of the first paragraph, there's one too many "safely".
778 Mike Day In the second line of the second paragraph, "of the square" should be deleted.
778 Per Christensen In the last line of text, "two wedges" should be "seven wedges".
780 Per Christensen In the second line of the caption for Figure 13.14, "sphere" should be "hemispehre".
788 Jonathan Klein In the displayed math at the bottom of the page, "dw" should be the first differential term after the integrand. Also, "dx dy" should be "dA".
801 Per Christensen In the last line of Exercise 13.2, O(\sqrt{n}) should be O(n).
806 Jonathan Klein In the third line of the second to last paragraph, there should be a period after "coordinate system".
808 Mike Day In the second line of the third paragraph, strictly speaking, tan^2 theta isn't an angle.
812 Jeppe Frisvad In Figure 14.4, \theta_h should be \theta.
813 Jeppe Frisvad In the numerator of the right hand side of the last displayed equation on the page, \theta should be \theta_h.
818 Mike Day In the 5th line of the third paragraph, "a inner" should be "an inner".
818 Mike Day In the last line of the 5th paragraph, "\mu angles" should be "\mu angle cosines".
819 Mike Day In the 6th line of the last paragraph, "unit radian" should be "radian".
820 Mike Day In the first line of the second paragraph, "angles" should be "values".
820 Mike Day In the displayed equation, the "d\theta_i" shouldn't be primed.
822 Mike Day In the second line of the 5th paragraph, \xi should be \xi_1.
823 Matt Pharr In the first line of the third code fragment, there are two spaces after the comma.
825 Alexander Brassel In the paragraph under the first fragment, "values[i]" should be "x[i]".
828 Matt Pharr In the first line of the third paragraph, there should be a comma after "(8.22)".
828 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In the summation in Equation 14.9, there should be a factor of a_k.
829 Per Christensen In the second line of the first paragraph, "sample in the each" should be "sample in each".
845 Per Christensen In the second line of the third paragraph, "value it returns from" should be "value it returns".
849 Mike Day In the 4th line of the 4th paragraph, [0,1]^2 should be [0,1)^2.
851 Per Christensen In the second line of the first paragraph, "only accounts for only" should be "only accounts for".
862 Mike Day In lines 4-5 of the 5th paragraph, "coming in" and "going out" should be swapped.
863 Mike Day In Figure 14.14's caption, "trace operator" should be "ray-casting function".
867 Mike Day In the 6th line of the first paragraph, "the camera ray origin and the point that it intersects" should be "the camera ray origin and the point that the camera ray intersects".
870 Mike Day In the first line of the third paragraph, "i-1" should be "n-1".
875 Wenzel Jakob In the first displayed equation, p_A should be p_A(p_i), the denominator should be p_{i+1}-p{i} (for consistency with the earlier definition), and similarly, the following line should read "...terms of the geometric term G(p_{i+1} <-> p_{i})".
884 Christian Hipp In the second line of exercise 14.9 "performs" should be "perform".
888 Jiaxuan Lin Equation 15.1 could be written more clearly in terms of p'.
894 Mike Day In the second line of the third paragraph, "returns resulting" should be "returns the resulting", and the following "and" should be "or".
899 Jiayin Cao Given pbrt's angle conventions, the denominator of the squared term in the displayed math should be "1 + g - 2 g \xi$ and the entire RHS should be negated. In turn, the negation of "cosTheta" at the end of Sample_p should be removed as well as the negation of "wo" at the end of the last code fragment on the page.
899 Mike Day In the first line of the third paragraph, "the angles" should be deleted.
905 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In the 5th paragraph, an opening parenthesis is missing before 1 - F_t(\cos \theta)). (More generally, it might make sense to remove the closing parenthesis and then both opening and closing parenthesis in the earlier expression of the same form.)
906 Christian Hipp In line 6 of the 3rd paragraph, "much a simpler" should be "a much simpler".
907 Per Christensen In the first line of the last paragraph, "a different a sampling" should be "a different sampling".
913 Christian Hipp In line 5 of the 2nd paragraph in Section 15.4.2, "for to the given" should be "for the given".
919 Steve Hill The light distribution plots shown actually correspond to 5, 10, and 100 scattering events, respectively.
904 Mike Day Three lines from the bottom, "surface intersection" should be "surface interaction".
905 Zejian Wang (王 泽健) In Equation 15.47, the last \cos \theta_o term should be its absolute value.
912 Mike Day In the second line of the third paragraph, "p_o - p_i" should be "p_i - p_o". The same change should be made to the first line of code in the fragment below.
922 Mike Day In the second paragraph, "is the divergence operator" should be "is the divergence of E(p)".
933 Mike Day In the second line of the 5th paragraph, "according to exponential distribution" should be "according to an exponential distribution".
938 Per Christensen In the third line of the 6th paragraph, the second sigma_s should be sigma_a. Further, it might be more clear to rewrite to just multiply by sigma_t rather than dividing by sigma_t^{-1}.
944 Per Christensen In the second line of Exercise 15.4, "this more effective" should be "this is more effective".
944 Christian Hipp In line 4 of exercise 15.5, "often be sampled" should be "more often be sampled".
947 Christian Hipp In the 6th line of the 2nd paragraph, "photons have" should be "photons that have".
949 Per Christensen In the first and second lines of the last paragraph, "value of importance function" should be "value of the importance function".
949 Mike Day In the 5th line of the 5th paragraph, "point on the camera p" would read better as "point p on the camera".
950 Mike Day In the 4th line of the second paragraph, "angles between them" should be "angle between them".
951 Christian Hipp In the first line of the first paragraph, "a ideal sensor" should be "an ideal sensor".
953 Mike Day In second line of the first paragraph, "point camera" should be "a pinhole camera".
954 Michael Mara In the first line of the 5th paragraph, "Sample_We()" should be "Sample_Wi()".
961 熊伟 In the 4th line of the first paragraph "below" should be "above".
964 Per Christensen In the art for Figure 16.5, the alphas should be betas.
969 Jinfeng Guo In the text right before Equation (16.11), "\omega" should be "\omega_o".
979 Jinfeng Guo In the second line of the first paragraph, "path" should be "pass".
971 Per Christensen In the third line of the second to last paragraph, "photons that are found" should be "photons are found".
972 Per Christensen In the 5th line of the third paragraph, the limit for r should be "r \rightarrow 0".
974 Mike Day In 6th line of the second paragraph, "photons have" should be "photons that have".
975 Mike Day In first line of the first paragraph, "increasingly sharper" should be "increasingly sharp".
984 Mike Day At the end of the first paragraph, "since a 32-bit int would overflow after roughly 2" should be "since an unsigned 32-bit integer would overflow after roughly 4 billion".
988 Per Christensen In the second line of the third paragraph, insert "a" before "distribution of photons".
991 Jinfeng Guo, Wei-Feng Huang In the second line after the displayed math at the middle of the page, q_{s'} should be q_{s'-1} and p_{t'} should be p_{t'-1}.
996 Mike Day In the first line of the last paragraph, "a multiple constructors" should be "multiple constructors".
1005 Wei-Feng Huang In fourth line of the second paragraph, "pdfFwd" should be "pdf".
1008 Christian Hipp In the 2nd line of the first paragraph, "soid" should be "solid"
1011 Wei-Feng Huang In fifth line of the first paragraph, T(\bar{p}_t) should have a \hat{} over the T.
1011 Wei-Feng Huang In second line after the second displayed equation "camera path" and "light path" should be exchanged.
1020 Christian Hipp In the 2nd line of the 5th paragraph, "a infinite" should be "an infinite".
1031 Wei-Feng Huang In the first line of the first paragraph, "MLTIntegrator" should be "MLTSampler".
1044 Per Christensen A better reference for Lafortune and Willems (1994) would be "Lafortune, E. and Y. Willems, Bi-directional path tracing. 1993. Proceedings of Compugraphics 1993. 145--53."
829 Per Christensen In the last line of the page, "contaminated surfaces" should be "surfaces covered".
1052 Jim Price In the second line of the first bullet at the bottom of the page, "word" should be "world".
1053 Jim Price In the first sentence of section 17.1.2, the word "of" is repeated twice in a row.
1058 Per Christensen In paragraph four, Christensen et al (2006) "Ray tracing for the movie Cars" should be cited for the idea of testing a ray against four bounding boxes using SSE instructions.
1068 Jonathon Cai In the third line on the page, "totalResolution" should be "(totalResolution.x, totalResolution.y)".
1074 Christian Hipp In the 2nd line of the footnote, "substantially times slower" should be "substantially slower".
1084 Per Christensen In the very last line of the page, "newMax" should be "localMax".
1085 Kostya Smolenskiy In the third line of text, "vaxValue" should be "maxValue".
1085 Christian Hipp In the last line of the last paragraph, "not necessarily not equal" should be "not necessarily equal".
1085 Marc Palmans At the very bottom, "commutative" should be "associative".
1086 Mike Day In the first paragraph, "commutative" should be "associative".
1170 Matt Pharr A closing parenthesis should be added after "Proceedings" in the Christensen et al. 2003 citation.
1203 Hualin Xu For the Stephenson reference, "2006" should be "2007".
1208 Matt Pharr The Whitted citation is not in the correct alphabetical order.
1223 Jeremy Cowles The index should have an entry for "Nyquist frequency", which is defined on page 410.